Hope is something myself and my sister share.

Hope is the belief in a positive outcome from every experience.

Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be acquired.

Hope is knowing everything will turn out for the best.

Hope represents our sisterhood because it is our surname.

My sister is my other half and forever i will be hers.

She is my best friend and i mean that in a non-pretentious way. not in a ladeda airy fairy we are BFFs forever way. But in a meaningful, true and brutally factual way. She may be one of the only ppl i will ever fully trust and who will ever know everything about my being...and that trust of hers i cherish and protect.

But on a not so deep note, what we have the most of is : GIGGLES !!! lots of laughs and giggles. ticklish, uncontrollable, totally mutual fits of crying laughter and fun. U know that feeling wen everyone else just does not know what u are laughing at? we get that a lot. and i love it! its like we have our own little secret. reminds me of when we were growing up. nostalgia is beautiful.